Special Price! for Koolatron WC12G Slim Countertop 12-Bottle Thermoelectric Wine Cellar, Black With Special Pomotions & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Read More...
Koolatron WC12G Slim Countertop 12-Bottle Thermoelectric Wine Cellar, Black Review
Koolatron WC12G Slim Countertop 12-Bottle Thermoelectric Wine Cellar, Black Feature
12-bottle wine cellar with vibration-free, ultra-quiet, thermal-electric cooling system
Adjustable temperature control from 43 to 64 degrees F; energy-efficient operation
Koolatron WC12G Slim Countertop 12-Bottle Thermoelectric Wine Cellar, Black Overviews
This 12 Bottle Thermoelectric Wine Cooler fits in many places that most other wine coolers won't. This compact wine cooler measures just over 11 inches wide, but it still manages to hold up to 12 bottles of wine in perfect conditions. Plus, it uses a thermoelectric cooling unit, so there is no vibration to disturb the sediment in your fine wines. For compact wine cooling, this wine cooler is perfect. 6 bottle wine cooler fridge : Koolatron WC12G Slim Countertop 12-Bottle Thermoelectric Wine Cellar, Black>Compare Prices<
Koolatron WC12G Slim Countertop 12-Bottle Thermoelectric Wine Cellar, Black Reviews
The Koolatron Wine Cooler arrived with the window broken. I called the number listed and they promptly sent me a new one. They did not ask me to return the first one. I was taking it to the curb when a neighbor asked if she could just tape up the front and use it in her garage. About a month later it started making a terrible noise. We thought it was damaged when it was dropped. Then one month later, mine started doing the exact same thing. I have tried everything but it made such a racket I threw it out after less than 3 months of use. It was still cooling, but you could hear the motor/fan running from anywhere in the house.
HiI ordered this item and yes its all very well that it showed up on time but the delivery company left it out in the rain. Then when it was checked to ensure all parts were present I found that the owner/operators manual or warranty information were both missing. This is unacceptable and could mean I will return for a full refund as I do not have the instructions to ensure its used correctly.
As the first review, I also received the product with the corner of the refrigerator cracked off of it.The refrigerator also doesn`t has a panel to show the temperature, so it`s a very simple one. Would not recommend it.
While the product seems decent, I had a terrible time with receiving it in one piece. The first shipment which came Ground UPS resulted in a corner of the refrigerator cracked off of it. Apparently the folks who send it out are highly opposed to actually wrapping it for shipment since it came in the box that you would find on the shelf in a store -- without any additional packing. I called Amazon and told them and they said they'd send out another one overnight (but I would need to send back the broken one, which I did). I asked them to take some care to pack the one they were overnighting and the agent send she would add it to her notes to the shippers. Low and behold, the replacement fridge came overnighted free of charge, but again they did not back it for shipment. This time instead of having the corner cracked off, there was simply a hair-line crack on that same corner. It was spared because apparently overnight shipping requires less handling and bouncing around than Ground shipping.Both models in spite of lack of care by the seller to pack it for cross country shipment worked when I plugged them in, but I will be curious for how long the wine refrigerator with the hairline crack will work since all of the jarring during shipment will surely have an impact on electronics. Unfortunately, since I had a custom build on my kitchen cabinets, I am stuck with this machine and just holding my breath that it will continue to work for a long while.I would advise anyone who is even remotely thinking to buy this machine to look elsewhere if you want to spend money and receive something in one piece. Just a suggestion especially if you don't enjoy banging your head off the wall talking to attendants and re-wrapping returns.I was quite inspired to write this review and hopefully spare someone a lot of trouble.
I have the 16 bottle version of this, otherwise, its the same unit.First of all, NONE of these are made for maturing your wine, they are only intendedfor short term (not to exceed one year) storage.They do not provide the constant temp and proper humidity needed to mature wine, soif long term maturing of your expensive wine collction is needed, you do not want tobuy one of these.What you need in that case is a EuroCave, and they start at $2,000.00!Also, dont expect the temp in any of these "wine refrigerators" to be 55 if your roomtemp is 80!! It is totally dependent of room temp. These units simply use the room airand circulate it with fans, so the internal temp will fluctuate with the room temp.Even the few units on the market with built in compressors which will refrigerate evenif the room temp is 90, fluctuate by several degrees.Proper wine maturing requires CONSTANT even temp (plus or minus a few degrees only) overa very long time period, several years!!Also, NONE of these units are reliable, you will be very lucky to get 2 years of use outof any brand of wine cooler. A $400.00 one is equally unreliable as a $100.00 unit, they mayjust throw in a few extra features and gadgets.If you have an expensive wine collection, you probably already know all this stuff, but ifyou are just starting out, do not be impressed by the low prices of these coolers, ultimatly,they will ruin your wines over the long haul.If you only want a place to store your wine temporarily before you drink it, one of these willbe fine, much better then a wire rack in your basement (oh, and NEVER store wine in your kitchen!!)But if you are a serious wine collector, save your money, bite the bullet, and buy a REAL winematuring and storage unit from EuroCave.Remember, you get what you pay for!!
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